Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I posted this on my facebook...wanted to share it any place possible.  The more it is shared the more likely we are to find a team of organizers and sponsors etc....please contact me if you wish to help or will you at least share?  THANK YOU!
Thinking, there has to be a way to quickly organize a ride to help raise money for those who lost everything in the storm this week. (Hopefully riding quickly south...I HATE the cold!) but I'm so scatter brained lately I can't think to pull it together!!!!! I'm open to doing the peddling and a LOT of it if anyone wants to help pull together a charity ride to help our neighbors who aren't going to have very good holidays otherwise. I know we'd need sponsors or a sponsor to help with covering food and boarding at night..not picky, eat light and willing to camp with electricity (for heater) and showers, and likely spare tire (tube) or two ( Would gladly wear warm under amour or clothing with sponsors names/info on it and talk about your product), would need help getting pledges...can be as low as .05 or .10 per mile, we'll RIDE to make it worthwhile! Perhaps one sponsor would be a local restaurant and would host a send off meet & greet where a portion of the profits could go to the benefit and people could offer flat donations as well? Just some ideas...but is there anyone who can help pull it together??? I'm up for a LONG ride! Challenge me and help rebuild Kokomo and make sure your friends and neighbors have a good holiday season? Any good organizers up to working with us to pull this together??????? Run your ideas by me if so and we'll go from there!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Oct 13, 2013

Well, I *think* I have good news!  I'm not 100% positive but I think Shawn is back as my riding partner!  And I have promised not to act like a spoiled princess this time. (scouts honor!)  We've been talking some about leaving out after the first of the year to ride thru Florida and up along the panhandle ending at Shawn's mom's in Groves Texas.  Or vice versa, heading out from his mom's so he can spend the holidays with her and riding to Florida.
I wanted so bad to make the trip across the lower part of the US this winter from Saint Augustine, Florida to San Diego for the Wounded Warrior Project but with the move and the stress of sorting through Andy's things I've thrown myself into a flare with my illness and have had to slow down some so that long of ride just isn't wise for me at this time.  Maybe next winter...if I can get a lot more miles under my belt and build my strength back up.  We would definitely need a sponsor or funding of some sort to help us make that ride too so waiting gives us time to TRY to find someone willing to sponsor us.  It will take more planning and a support driver for the second stretch of the ride. (as in someone driving a camper for us to stay in and to carry gear and extra water etc.  Not to mention just in case of emergencies.  Ha, not that we would run into any of those huh???)
It is possible we could have a group of riders for that ride actually.  I've been talking to a few other bent riders in my area and so far they're showing interest in a local recumbent riders club.  I really think it would be a blast to travel across the country to raise money for such a wonderful cause with such a great group of people!    I suppose we would welcome any of you Bi-peddlers who might have the inkling to make the trek too.  After all it is for a really good cause! ;)  I'll fill you in on that more once I get moved and settled in and we have time to talk about our future riding plans, see how many we have here who truly are interested in a club etc.  If you are a bent rider in or near the Kokomo, In area who would be interested in joining a group please contact me.  It's still in the early stages but I'm thinking meeting at least once a month during the closed in (winter) season, maybe more often during riding season.  Exchange information on our experience with our bents, trails, etc and plan group rides both leisure and fundraiser/charity .  I think these bents need to be seen by more people!  They truly have been a Godsend to me health wise as well as being just plain and simple fun.  I'm sure there are others out there who thought their days of riding bikes and feeling the freedom of the open road, wind in their hair and sun on their skin were long gone.  But many can probably get it back with a bent. (Hey TerraTrike you really should hire me as a spokes person...I probably talk more about your bents than your showroom sales people! lol orrrrrrr....fix us up with a couple of Ramblers???  I hear those are even better for the kind of riding we do! I'm just saying...)
By the way, if you are interested in purchasing a bent yourself, I ride a TerraTrike Rover.  It's an extremely comfortable ride.  Not really made for the long distance rides I take but so far they've taken the punishment well.  You can check out all of TerraTrikes products at http://terratrike.com/  Check them out!  Order a catalogue (they're free!) or find out where your local dealer is so you can go and take one for a spin yourself...I bet you get hooked!
Well...back to moving. 
Love and peace to all,
RecumbentBaby45/Mamabear45 (One and the same!)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

SEPT 10, 2013

WOW, I think I'm becoming the poster child for Murphy's Law.  I'm writing to you from the hospital tonight. I was admitted last night for some infection I can't pronounce or spell.  But I am feeling much better and hoping to get released tomorrow (crossing fingers).

First of all I am by no means finished with my long distance riding, and I still very much want to continue and raise funds for Oklahoma disaster victims.  I've just had numerous kinks thrown in my chain from ever direction.  As I believe you know, we had to return home after my second heat stroke?  The heat followed us back to Indiana.  They had had an unusually cool summer until we got back then the heat just sored.

Then I had some health issues.  They were worried about my heart due to some severe swelling and I had to be hospitalized to get the swelling down and have some tests run.  During this time, when I was released, my riding partner left.  I have to say that really hurt.  I've had so much loss in my life lately to have him just leave.  He didn't say goodbye, didn't speak to me, wouldn't respond to my calls or texts.  It's been, yeah hurtful to say the least.  When you spend a month on the road with someone to have them just walk away back turned.  But I also look back and I feel bad because he honestly busted his butt on the Texas stretch of the ride.  He did pretty much all the hard work and I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for him.  He pulled a trailer with 120lbs of our gear 99% of the way and when we would get to our campsites he would without being asked, unload and set up camp allowing minimal help from me.  I honestly could not ask for a better riding partner,  He spoiled me and for that I thank him from the bottom of my heart.  I won't make that mistake again.  From here on out I am riding solo or I am building two trailers so if I can find another capable riding partner we will be sharing the load equally.

Shawn if you read this, I want to thank you for all your hard work.  Please don't think it went un-noticed or unappreciated.  Thank you for taking such good care of me.  I know I would not have made it half as far as I did without you. I learned so much from you and had you not been there during the heat strokes I never would have survived them.  I owe you my life.  Thank you for making
the ride fun "Ducky", for rescuing me and untangling my leg from the wheel when I found for the second time that I can indeed tip a recumbent!  I wish so much that I could convince you to continue our journey.  There are not many other's I would trust who I think would be even close to as capable as you as a riding partner.  But I understand fully why you wouldn't want to ride with me when I look back.  I promise (for what that's worth) you would not be carrying the full load.  If you don't change your mind, know that I do wish you all the best with working on the cars with your cousin.  Be safe!

It will be still a while before I can set out.  Our landlords informed us that they were losing our home back to the bank so with me in and out of the hospital we have been trying to find a new place to live for the next year.  Hoped to find something in my daughters current school district but there are no rentals available so I'm still unsure where we will end up and I hate moving my daughter after all SHE has been through twice in one year, not to mention it's going to disqualify her from any resident scholarships if we or rather since we are not moving to our new state until her senior year.

Keep in mind we are still grieving the still very new loss of our son and her brother.  I am not by any means emotionally ready to sort through and pack up his room.  It feels like a very final "He's no longer with the family" slap in the face or mac truck running me over.

It goes on!  Derek was laid off for a normal shut down in June but they messed up something at the factory and none of the hourly line workers got any pay, no I take that back, they got a half a weeks pay...for an entire month.  Needless to say we are behind  on everything and deeper in debt.  Slowly catching up on them.  If I go solo this is even more important.  And I need to prepare for my own protection a little bit more strongly before going solo.

Sooooo...I'm crossing my fingers and toes and praying hard to make it back on the road and be in the Smokey's as the leaves change.

Well, signing out from Howard Regional for tonight...

Much Love,

Monday, September 9, 2013

Yay! I got my laptop fixed!!!

I have a lot to update you on!  I will write more tonight and share a lot of pics too!  Four computers and every single one of them has been down...finally I have my laptop back!!!!  Type at you tonight!

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Just wanted to let you all know we're still alive.  Just had to take a break due to those heat strokes.  I'm so anxious to get back on the road!!!  I've been riding trying to get my strength back and should be ready soon...hope to head south to Gatlunburg, TN.  I'm dying to ride Cades Cove.  I have driven through it so many times I can't wait to take my time and see it from my trikes point of view!  Then hoping to cut over to catch the Atlantic Trail and see Charleston and Savannah...

In the mean time I hope to put together a video/slide show of sorts of where we've been and what we've seen so far soon so keep tuned.

I sure wish some of you would subscribe so I could get to know you! ;)

Laidback and taking it easy....on the road again...

Mamabear45 alive and kicking!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Victory Bike Shop has our tires in!  They had to order these.  They are stronger for touring on. So now we just have to get the Rovers up there so they can put the tires on and give them both a once over for anything that "Hell" might have jarred lose.  Which reminds me, I found pics on the net of "Hell Road" so you can get an idea of what we traveled on ALL DAY and well into the night!

I've read a lot saying Bents can't climb hills.  Granted that first few big hills were challenges but that was just because my body wasn't accustomed to riding like that.  Once it got used to it the hills weren't all that big of a challenge on it.  "Hell Rd" though...now THAT is a different story!  It's a good thing the view was gorgeous because the road was nearly impossible.  The picture doesn't do it justice (Neither does actually).  The road was deep loose sand and gravel with big ruts in it.  The average car would get stuck and our rip it's undercarriage off for sure.
Well, I'm enjoying spending time with my family while I'm home.  We're off to do some camping and have a fishing "competition" tonight so I'm out of here!  I'll talk to y'all probably Thursday from the Indiana Dunes.  We're going to begin our ride by riding the Nickel Plate Rail Way up to Rochester and cut over...ride up to the Dunes, spend a bit more family time to kick off our Michigan leg of this ride!!!! 
All my love...MamaBear45

Saturday, June 29, 2013


Well it's really hard for me to write this one and not feel like a complete failure.  We started out Monday evening from Bay City around 5pm to ride at night in order to avoid the heat due to my heat stroke and rode all night.  The ride was a rough one with crazy drivers and bad shoulders and good part of the way and not many places to stop.  We did meet a nice unusual man with at least a dozen dogs as his main source of company.  I wish I could recall his full name but all I can remember at this moment is that his first name was Leslie.  He approached us while we rested by a bridge and was the type some might have judged as a bit "scary" but he really was a nice man...very talkative and kind enough to allow me to use his modest bathroom.  He even offered for us to set up our tent on his property buuuuuut we had a long ways to ride yet ;) .  We also stopped at a church as it was letting out and brfly met a small group of the congregation who were all very kind.  The kids were fascinated with our bikes and the adults were very compassionate and prayed with/for me concerning Andy as well as our ride.  It may not be something that everyone will understand but that really brought me a great deal of peace.  Perhaps that's why Satan thru everything he had at us in the near future....

The bulk of the ride had it's ups and downs.  Mainly we started running into the rudest people we have encountered during our entire time in Texas.  People trying to run us off the road when the entire road was empty to them, cussing at us etc.  But when the road was all ours it was nice.

Then we got to Freeport.....the shoulders were littered with, well everything including a lot of glass.  I got my first flat and my gears decided they did not want to go below 3rd which make crossing bridges very difficult. So what do we find we have to cross to enter Freeport?  TWO LARGE bridges.  I have to walk my bike up and am somewhat looking forward to the cruise down but as I'm riding down my light flies off into the highway (it busted all apart but those buggers are tough...it still works!) my cooling towel went flying another way, and my hat was hanging on only by my ponytail and I'm trying to control my bike...and did I mention I'm terrified of bridges?  Yeah, I was not a happy camper.  Our directions and the road signs didn't jive up, the city is just plain ugly industrial, we stopped at the only restaurant open before noon and the owner was a rude nut case to customers and his only employee.  I went off on him when he tried to refuse us our salad when the sign says free salad with any pasta order...he said "you have to ask for it".  WHAT?  Since when does a customer have to go in and guess what is available and ask rather than have the server take their order?  I made it clear who I was and what I was doing and that I was definitely going to tell all of you about Krisvics in Freeport and that got him to throw together some lettuce, onions and olives and throw it at me and tell me "here you got your salad"  If I could tell the poor boy who works for him anything now I'd tell him GO FIND A DIFFERENT JOB YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE YELLED AT LIKE YOU ARE BY THAT MAN!  They over charge and then they over charge. (charge more than it's worth then charge more than the menu says.) 

Moving on...it's getting very hot and we can't find a free camp beach or any beach for that matter or a hotel..nothing..no open place to cool off and a LOT of bridges.  Can you guess what this leads too???  You got it...another heat stroke..my temp went up to 104, I was throwing up and cramping ...the works.  and everyone just drove on past us INCLUDING POLICE OFFICERS.  Shawn tried and tried to flag someone down but not one person would stop.  They sure honked and yelled but nobody would stop.  So we had to call the police hoping they like the police in all other places would be helpful and help us get to a hotel.  NOPE...they brought an ambulance and said our choice was I go to the hospital or we make it on our own.  They wouldn't even help Shawn when I went to the hospital..him having two expensive recumbent bikes and a trailer , worried about me and over heating himself.  As for me, I basically went to the hospital to be a pin cushion...I got stuck so many times because none of the nurses could get an iv in me (and I'm terrified of needles) .  I look like a druggie now...and one finally insists he got it when I told him he didn't because it burned...luckily they NEVER STARTED FLUIDS THE ENTIRE TIME I WAS IN THERE...I got stuck for nothing..even though the whole point was "I desperately needed fluids",  they don't believe my illness' are real illness', they did xrays without  ever asking if I could possibly be pregnant. (I'm not but that's not the point) and I sat on a gurney in a hallway starving and thirsty got refused water when I asked all evening...then they wanted to keep me all night!!!!  I checked myself out.  It doesn't end there.  We had to call a cab for me to get home...she never came but when I called she said she did and to come back she was going to have to charge me doubke,,,I said I'd walk.  Thankfully a nice nurse agreed when I asked to drive me to the hotel and refused to take any payment from me.  There are a few nice people here!

Well once you have heat stroke you are more vulnerable to it again and they are having heat warnings down here so we couldn't figure out how to get out of here.  We finally decided sadly to call home and come back to Indiana.  BUT we are not stopping!  We are going to ride up to Michigan!  COOL Michigan...and hope for generous people as well as get our miles in...we may also ride Southern Indiana...so keep your eyes open for us and something to drink on hand...if you see us please say hello!  I want to meet as many of you as I can!  I can't wait to get back on my bike and on the road again.....

Love to all...MamaBear45

Road to Freeport/Brazosport/Clute Texas (THE WORST PART EVER)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


We rode to Matagorda to trek along beach then I had throw a wrench in in the picture..had a heat stroke.....so its sit still for a few days.back in Bay City


The sun in Texas is both beautiful & deadly.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Cuero Texas was wonderful.  We were welcomed to free camp in a beautiful municipal park that had everything-a pool, fishing and paddle boat pond, golfing,, volleyball, basketball...you name it...and I met these two wonderful ladies Nannette and Tammy who made it and even more enjoyable time. Nannette suggested we visit Rockport and we intended to until the last minute when we started calculating our time...now I will explain a bit later why we should have taken Nannette's advice afterall... 
If I had any complaints at all about Cuero it would be that the tent camping is up on a knoll that has NO Shade but to be honest I'm not sure where else they could put us and....it is free, and near the restrooms and pool and walmart and a Valero (VP type) and we didn't get in there til day break...if you haven't been to Texas this time of year, let me explain this to you, shortly after daybreak it gets HOT...VERY HOT.  So our first day we went and got a really really cheap hotel room to get some sleep.  People were nice enough and I met another very nice young mommy named Michelle.  (( thought I posted her pic too...if it doesn't show up I will try to remember to post it again)  She was there for to visit her husband for his first Father's Day.  I believe she said he works in the Oil Fields...so Happy First Father's Day to Michelle's Hubby!  You have one very Handsome young man there!  and a wonderful wife!
Shawn became addicted to the slides...they didn't get me on them til later in the day. (Okay...I will admit they were a blast!) 
Now...back to why we should have gone to Rockport...and why GOOGLE MAPS SUCK!!!!!!  As always our final day came and we had to pack up and head out of Cuero.  We are heading down hwy 98 in the blistering sun/heat when "nora the navigator" as we affectionately call her tells us to back up and turn right on a road called Verhell Rd and to take it for 6.5 miles to I think it was CR 110.  Then the problems began...first the road turned into a soft thick gravel (with hills) and second there were NO roads off of this road...no CR 110...no anything ...just beautiful rolling land on all sides...no houses, no gas stations, restrooms, restaraunts,....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  I'm still not sure if it was Heaven or Hell.  We determined it was the road that never ends.  Eventually we called Edna Sherriff's Dept and a nice dispatcher by the name of Jennifer helped us patiently (several times) and sent out some help to find us.  Eventually Officer (and our Cajun angel) Mike Meaux found us and led us out of the "hell" part of VerHELL.  According to him they don't even like taking their vehicles down those roads they are so rough and  he was very impressed with both our bents and us and had to laugh at our GPS which took us over 10 hours out of our way. (Ummmm...I failed to see the humor in that at the time! lol)  THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH OFFICER MIKE MEAUX OF VICTORIA COUNTY SHERRIFS DEPT!!!!!  Who also gave us permission to camp at a volunteer fire dept when we got out to hwy 77.
This isn't the end of this story though...oh no...He has asked us if we had enough supplies.  Which at that time we did.  What we didn't take into consideration was the remainder of the ride into Edna...the nearly 30 mile ride into Edna...and our only 4 bottles of liquid between us.  We actually had to poor water out of our coolers (melted ice) to make it, stop at a church and find their outdoor water spicket and fill up Gatorade bottles....but we made it.
Now I'm going to turn this over to Shawn to see if he has anything to add that I have forgot and finish my lunch...my love to all...MamaBear45....
Also, the weather here permit's us to take a break as well and to get our blog updated some, when we can and if we're near a McDonald's or near a Wi-Fi hotspot... As of now, it is raining, which gave us the time to get this blog done... Our seat's will be a lil wet, but they will feel good compaired to it being hot without the comfort of the rain... this is Shawn Paul signing off and handing the laptop back to Lori. Have a great day and week everyone. Ttyl....

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cuero Texas- Father's Day Weekend

Hello from Cuero Texas!  I haven't got out to take any pictures yet.  I will tomorrow.  We're free camping in a beautiful town park but didn't get in and get our camp set up until day break.  It didn't take long for the heat to set in so there was no sleeping until evening...we were dragging and melting.

I think we will both be VERY happy to get out of hill country.  It's getting better, hills are getting less and easier but occasionally we still come upon a killer hill.  I personally am falling in love with Texas...well everything except for the heat but hey it sure beats snow any day! (I think? yeah...it beats snow...at least that's easy to say when it's not mid day with the sun beating down on us! lol) 

I still can't say enough about how kind the people are here.  We had to take a break due to the heat and a hill at one point and a little old lady came riding up on a 4wheeler to see if we were okay since we had stopped in front of her property.  Nice as could be, just concerned.  She chatted with us for a minute or so then was off back to her house which we never even saw.  The cattle, horses and donkeys will run along the fence rows with us as far as they can.  They seem to be totally fascinated with us.  OH!  I remembered the name of that Fox News commentator!  (told you I would! lol) Mike Huckabee...yes we rode right past his ranch.

We got our first donation in Gonzales Texas from a young couple.  I didn't get their names.  Typical of me...I really need to start getting names.  If you happen to read this we thank you GREATFULLY!

Next stop Brackenridge Recreation Center Edna Texas!

Love to everyone back home...MamaBear45

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thurs June 13th leaving Palmetto State Park heading for Cuero Texas (hopefully)

Hello from McDonalds in Gonzales, Texas!  Ahhhhhh....they have wonderful air conditioning!!!!  I have to give major Kudos to Shawn,   I'm barely making it up these hills in this heat with just my bike and  panniers in this heat and he's pulling the trailer with basically all of our gear, his panniers, he took on the cooler and backpack (my laptop) since I found out that these bents can indeed tip (forget that I said that).  And that is after making breakfast and packing up camp!
When Texans tell us Northerners that the heat down here is WAAAAAAAY different than back home....BELIEVE THEM!  Texas is the place where heaven and hell meet.  It's beauty is breath taking it's people are incredibly friendly.  (Note to self-need to start writing down names) We have met some of the nicest people who have shared some of the most interesting stories with us for instance I'm looking forward to hearing how Dewayne Meats from Long Beach, Ca likes his Bent!    Dewayne is a retired marine who also plans on riding for the wounded warrior project next year. Hopefully we will see each other again on the road!  (I'm jealous...he's getting a REALLY NICE Bent)  

Ha...I think I've got to be a bit more specific with God.  Each day we've rode I've asked him for some rain to cool things off and ...well I think He's mistaken me for a Texan because He's sent Bad Thunderstorms that have left us with time to spare in McD's.  The sky is black here now....at least it's  cooler after the rain/storms, until the sun come's back out and then it get's humid as heck and hot again...

Well, loks like now is out best bet to make a run for it....so say a prayer for us that we make it there without any bad storms...RAIN IS OKAY JUST NO STORMS!!!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013



Left Lockhart State Park heading towards Palmetto Park.  Had to stop for a bit to let some storms pass.  Thanks to a local Sherriff for giving us a heads up on what we were heading into!  This is my first experience with Texas.  Shawn grew up here. Everyone keeps asking me what I think?  I have to say it's pretty nice.  The people here are really friendly.  Everywhere we go there are kind and friendly people.  The North has lost that IMO.  And the landscape has a unique beauty all it's own.  I hope the pictures I post capture it but I'm afraid they don't.  It really is beautiful so far , at least outside the big cities...I don't care too much for the big cities but I never have liked big cities anywhere.

Well, time to check the radar and try to get back on the road.  I hope those of you reading this are hitting that donate button and sending whatever you can to help those hit by the tornados on Oklahoma!  We'll keep riding...hope you challenge us!

Love from the road....MamaBear45


Saturday, June 8, 2013


Hello from Texas!  And so our journey begins and us right from the get go.  Getting to spend time with the kids and precious  Addie make all the obstacles much smaller though.  Honestly, the only real unexpected obstacle has been that what I was told I would have to work with financially this week was a pipedream and I get the challenge of starting off broke.  Thank G  Sod for family, compassionate people and free camping...we'll do fine. 

The people down here are so kind.  Funny, the north used to be known for their hospitality but there have been more people in our short time so far down here cheering us on and helping us out to make sure we reach our goal than we had back home.  Speaking of which, I wanted to thank Maggie in the Subway restaurant in Round Rock, Texas for buying us lunch yesterday.  That was so very kind of you and a great meal.  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!   I didn't get a last name...but Maggie from Round Rock Subway you're a lifesaver!

I'm learning...I need to keep a small notebook with me to write down names.  For instance we had a wonderful time chatting with a retired marine the night before who,  my new friend, if you read this, I hope you have got your bike by now and would love to hear how you are liking it!  I'm going to nickname you "Sir".  Sir will be getting his new recumbent from the VA any day now. I have to admit, after hearing about his I'm a tiny bit jealous! ;) And like me, Sir is planning on riding for the Wounded Warrior Project.  Now had I not been so tired and been thinking more at the time I would have asked...if you would be interested in forming a group to ride from Saint Augustine to San Diego next year with me for the Project?  Sir also passed along a lot of information concerning VA benefits .  (My Dad was a WWII  Decorated Army)  Sir claims to have had the honor or meeting a survivor of the Spanish / American War, not just a survivor but a medal of honor survivor! 

After talking with Sir for quite a while we did something both fascinating and creepy...We rode through thousands of bats!  If I'm back over that way tonight I'm going to TRY to have the nerve to stand among them long enough to video tape them for y'all.

Well, I'm being called for lunch....Far be it from me to pass up a good home cooked meal!  Until later.....Peace!

Oh...where are those challenge donations??????  Come on...they're for a very good cause and don't have to be huge although a $3000 challenge would be EXCELLENT!!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2013


My team will ride for your donations to help the Oklahoma disaster victims.  Our maintenance is minimal.  All proceeds above will  go to Oklahoma disaster victims.  If you click on the donate button a d donate $20 we will ride 20 miles just for you, $50 we will ride 50 miles just for you...we will ride a mile for every dollar donated (and its HOT down here!)  You have the easy part of this challenge.... will you take it to help  your fellow Americans begin to pick up the pieces of their lives the tornados stole from them?  Imagine yourself in their shoes...together we can make a difference!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


I can't believe tomorrow we actually begin this trek!  I won't lie, I am feeling the cold feet today big time.  So many questions, "Have I covered everything?",  "What if I fail?"  "what if...what if...what if....????"  I was up all night last night just thinking about my baby girl (almost 17) up in her room fast asleep and how am I going to get past missing her so badly?  We do have a phone app that will allow us to video chat regularly but that's just not the same, even though when we're both home I barely see her. She's a teenager.  Almost a college student.  It's suppose to be that way.  She is testing her wings HER way.  Still I know she's there and safe.  Ha, now I'm soooo  tired I can't think to change the caption above the DONATE button to say that the profits are going to Oklahoma disaster survivors.  Our band could very much use the extra help and  I have posted the mailing address in one of my blogs, should anyone wish to help us out you can mail a donation to Mr Josh Huff at that address.  But the people of Oklahoma need this to LIVE. 
I want you to take a moment and think about all the sad times and loss in your life.  You don't have to visit there long, just remember the pain if you aren't still in the midst of it.  Now imagine if All the hurt you have experienced in your life happened in just the matter of a few minutes.  Your home, your car,  YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS....all gone just like that. Nobody to blame, nobody to be angry with.  It just happened.  One minute your life was normal the next it is turned completely upside down.  THAT MY FRIENDS IS WHAT THESE PEOPLE ARE FACING.  Where does one even begin to keep moving forward from that?  I do know, like the Kid Rock song says "The least that I can do is CARE."  Please join me and click that donate button and donate something...anything to help me complete this journey and show them that we do care.
Also SUBSCRIBE TO MY BLOG!  and ask your friends and your friends friends...the more people we have the more we can help.  Our Government isn't going to be able to give them all they need, they are too busy saving the rest of the world!  My apologies for inserting my opinion there but seriously I do think we are spread too thin and  should be taking care of our own citizens before we try to "save" the world. (especially when some of them don't want us to "save" them.  Shouldn't they have that right to decide how they want to live?  Isn't THAT what FREEDOM truly is?). Further why are so many depending on the govt to decide who their money is going to help?  I'm telling you with each of my rides I make (counting on there being many more) exactly who you will be helping.  A MINIMAL amount may go to help us complete this journey, no more than absolutely needed.  In exchange I will be riding and sharing pictures and travel tips we pick up along the way. (like FREE camping!) and as many tips as I can learn myself to pass on that you can use perhaps to take your family on a vacation you thought was financially unaffordable.  If you are a business and offer your services you will get free advertisement. (another reason I need my readers to SUBSCRIBE PLEASE!...LET THEM KNOW YOU'RE HERE AND READING.)
I was thinking too, I've intended carry a flag with the names and any info the family wishes for those who we lost TOO SOON.  How fitting?  Those lost in Oklahoma were definitely GONE TOO SOON...  WILL YOU PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME HELP THEM??
I'd also love hearing about anything any of the rest of you decide to do to help your neighbor here.  Lord knows we could all use a leg up right now.  Maybe you have found a cool way of making life a little easier and more joyful for each other?  If so please share it?
 If you have any questions feel free to write.  I or a  member from my home base will answer asap.  Or call Derek Jones at 765-437-7343.  (He sleeps during the afternoon so if you need too leave him a voicemail or text and he will return your call)
okay...time to get off of here and get busy wrapping up all the lose ends.  Not much time left before we leave these comforts of home and are on our way.  If you see us say hello!  I want to meet as many of you as possible! :)
Love to all....

Friday, May 31, 2013

FAQ | Free Campsites

In planning our itinerary I found this site I thought I would pass on to all of you who camp. Who can't stand to save some money these days??? FAQ | Free Campsites

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


WOW, it's hard to believe it's finally here.  A week away!  I'm nervous and anxious and excited.  I haven't had the opportunity to organize this as I would have wanted ..actually I would have preferred to have not had the need but I am so deeply moved by what the community of Moore Oklahoma is facing I am dedicating this ride to them.  I  already was going to carry any names of any youth GONE TOO SOON who's family would like for me too.  Moore lost 24 people in just a matter of minutes. Seven of those 24 were children, gone much too soon not by any shooter or illness, no one to blame, no forewarning.  Perhaps they are lucky to have each other but "lucky"?  Hardly, their lives probably feel like they  have been turned upside down, twisted and wrung out and knotted up and tossed to the dogs.  And that's putting it mildly.

I have a DONATE button on my page here where you can make a donation via pay pal.  I'm honest.  Some of the funds may be used for necessities along the ride but as minimal as possible because I'd like to present as big a check as possible to those families.  Oh and pay pal does take a small percentage for the service.  If you don't want to go through me I understand but please think about what these people have gone through and will be going through and if there is any way you can please help?

I will be updating from the road in a week!   We are getting a ride to Austin Tx and visiting with some very special people and heading out from there.  PRAY THE SCOPIONS KEEP OUT OF MY TENT!!!!!!!

(special prayers going out to my dear friend and inspirations Brother who was in a horrible motorcycle accident...please keep him in your prayers.  Thank you!)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I'm getting so excited! I cannot begin to tell you what accomplishing this trip means to me. Some of you who have been following me since I first got the notion to WALK across the USA can probably have a little bit of an idea as well as those of you with ME_CFS because you know how it rob's us of our lives and our dreams. I KNOW I'm going to be hurting and exhaustion is going to rear it's ugly head at times but I've been finding my way to work around these. The recumbent trike is truly a Godsend. It's enabled me to stay much more active and mobile and I absolutely love it! This trip may not be across the United States but for me, it might as well be. And if I can accomplish this then I can accomplish that next!

The prednisone did help my knee but I've already torn it up again. I think I am just going to try and deal with it. I do not want to put this on hold yet again. I posted on my facebook, I've decided that I'd like to ask for donations from anyone willing to go to my daugher's High School Marching Band. We are one of the smallest bands in our division, with very little funding yet those kids work their tails off and always come in just 10's of a point shy of going to state when competeing against much larger bands with newer equipment, better sound systems, better everything except spirit really. If you would like to make a donation I will try to get a donation button up but in the mean time you can send checks or money orders to:

Tri Central Band
C/O Josh Huff
Tri Central Middle-High School
2115 WEST 500 NORTH

Or keep track of my blog here and I hope to have a picnic upon returning where the band will play and hopefully we can keep this a secret from Mr Huff. Anyone who wishes to come and bring their donation and enjoy some good food and music can then simply hand their donation to Mr Huff in person and get to see the surprise on is face! :)

If you would like to sponosor my riding partner and me I will try to figure out how to get a donation button up here or better yet we'd love to meet you along our journey! And yes I plan on updating far more often, as often as possible, from the road so we shouldn't be too hard to find. ;) I'll be honest, I haen't had one single pledge or offer for sponsorship yet. Is it that nobody thinks I can do this? Or nobody is reading what I am writing? Nobody cares about keeping music in our schools? All I can do is what I am doing and ask for your help to help our band. The rest if up to you. I do hope you will help.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Coffee does not play fair

Have discovered that coffee may be a magical thing for male long distance cyclists but that does NOT hold true for we femails....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

March 12, 2013

Getting excited, we actually had a 70 degree day this past week! My knee is bothering me so we didn't ride. Opening day for the trails is the last Saturday of this month. I'll be out before then for sure. Went to see my doctor and since I'm a major wimp when it comes to needles I'm on oral prednisone and my doctor even wants to work out with me once my knee is ready. I CAN'T WAIT! I really wish Andy could be part of this. That's the tough part both a big motivator and a heartbreaker. His death pushed me to find some ACTIVE activity that I could manage to wear off stress and have time to process everything. It also showed me that pain or no pain there may not be a tomorrow and if we have big dreams we should go for it, the worst thing that can happen is we have to keep trying and perhaps we never reach that ultimate goal...maybe I will never ride around the world. I was happy to make it around the block at first and by the end of nice weather last fall I was riding 30 miles without too much effort. Not bad eh? So any distance I make it beyond 30 miles is an accomplishment but my BIG goal is near 1000 miles starting in June this summer in three weeks. I just want to do the best I can and keep improving and see as much of this big ole planet...ummmm..the warm parts..as I can via my bikes, meet as many people as I can, hear their stories, share my own, and hopefully somewhere along the way make a difference.

That reminds me...I have flags to make. If I can find the material or a volunteer who knows how to sew bike flags (I'm lousy at sewing) we will be carrying flags for anyone who wants to sign their angel child's (a child lost too young) name on it and we'll carry them with us everywhere we go. Of course donations are always welcome but not required. We are thinking if we do get enough donations we will start a fund to help parents who lose a child and might not have life insurance..things like that. Not many people expect to lose a child and there are so many young couples who don't even have life insurance on themselves let alone their children. Dignity Funeral Homes will not let a child go without a funeral. They are wonderful. I will throw that out there. But some people might not have a Dignity Funeral home near them or might have special circumstances. We want to be able to help. God willing...we will be able to.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


It’s finally going to happen. In June Derek has 3 weeks down and starting on his birthday, June 24th, we will be leaving out on our recumbent trikes with just what we can carry. Caitlyn hasn’t decided yet if she wants to ride or stay with family. Her decision will determine whether we start out from home or from Loudonville, Ohio. We intend to ride at least to Saint Augustine, Florida. Depending on what kind of time we make we might ride further…Key West or maybe even the perimeter of Florida.

Yes, I have severe M.E/CFS and FMS. So how and why am I going to do this? Personally I have several reasons. Derek, I’m sure has his own and I will try to convince him to get on here and tell you his. As for me-

1) I’ve allowed this disease to define me for most of my life. Something that “normal” people won’t get but others with the disease might is this, there isn’t much help out there for us and so far our main tools for survival are adaptability and knowing our bodies. I want to complete this ride to bring awareness to the disease, show others that where there is a will there is a way in most cases and maybe just maybe bring enough money into the Andy Hensley Memorial Fund to donate a good amount to good research and advocacy.

2) We lost our 20 year old son very suddenly January 30th, 2012. Cycling has since been one of the few releases I’ve had. Further Andy loved fitness, travel, adventure and meeting new people all of which this trip is about. I’m hoping to raise funds for THE ANDY HENSLEY MEMORIAL FUND. This was initially a scholarship fund but our school requires that all scholarships go thru THE TIPTON COUNTY FOUNDATION and our experience this first year was horrible and a complete waste of time as far as the scholarship goes. (It has gone to a good cause) We were repeatedly lied to and misled. They just were not a group we want to continue to have a working relationship with so we feel that a memorial fund that gives to numerous causes in Andy’s memory, causes that will actually appreciate and put the money to good use, would be better. As soon as I know that this years recipient has received their check I will announce it. (It’s a surprise to them)

3)I want to carry with me Andy and all the other young people who died before they really had a chance to truly live and their parents and families who will forever grieve for them. The loss of a child is by far the worst gut wrenching and never ending pain a person can experience. I do this in memory…they will never be forgotten. And I hope to start a fund for families who don’t have the funds to give their children a proper funeral. Many just never expect to bury their child..and we shouldn’t have to. The last thing they should have to worry about is how they will lay them to rest…and other costs that rise in conjunction with this.
These are my main reasons for riding. I would love if anyone reading this might have small informative pamphlets they could send me to hand out that truthfully explains MECFS so people will understand the extent of this disease and the need for more funding for research and advocacy. I’d also be honored to carry as many names in memory with me as possible…I’ll have to figure something out with this so I can actually CARRY THEIR NAMES for others to see.. I think I have an idea there.

Before I sign off I wanted to wish my beautiful great niece a very Happy 3rd Birthday. I missed her party yesterday...I will see you soon! Hopefully this evening. Aunt Odie Loves you!

Remember...life is a journey not a race, enjoy it...because when you get to the end...it's over.

Friday, January 25, 2013


When it comes to cycling you will want a bike that suits your needs and there is a bike to suit just about anyone's needs.

In Kokomo we have-

Victory Bike Shop
(765) 452-9717
301 E Morgan St, Kokomo, IN 46901

Kokomo Cycling & Fitness
1500 E Boulevard, Kokomo, IN 46902
(765) 452-7110


It's been quite a while since I've have updated this blog and for that I apologize. It's been a rough and busy year and not much has gone as planned. When I started this, it was with the intentions of a long distance bike tour to raise money for a Memorial Scholarship in my late son's name who passed away one year ago this January 30th. The problem we ran into was that our school only accepts scholarships that go through THE TIPTON COUNTY FOUNDATION and they have worked against us every step of the way. On the first day we went into the foundation we met with the President and made our intentions clear despite him trying to talk us into giving the money to one of his causes instead. We clearly stated "No we want a Memorial Scholarship in our son's name that continues to give annually" He was reluctant, telling us how we had to raise $10,000 within 5 years for a "mere $400" scholarship to start being awarded. We told him we were confident we could do that and that was the path we wanted to take so he had us sign some papers and told us that if we raised $2000 the first year the foundation would match it. We exchanged emails throughout the year. He wrote asking for a picture of Andy for the scholarship, we discussed fundraisers (which he IMO rudely discouraged stating that they would never work that we could only raise that kind of money "by knowing people with deep pockets" to which I told him he underestimated me and the community) He even came out to our walk-a-thon. Then we got a letter reprimanding us for doing a fundraiser without their knowledge! To which I sent copies of all of my correspondence with the foundation President and got an apology with "there must have been some misunderstanding on our part..." So we continued to work with them and we DID raise the $2000 plus. Then a week or so ago (in January) we received a letter telling us since we never formally set up the scholarship that the money would go to DOLLARS FOR SCHOLARS AND WOULD NOT BE MATCHED OR BE PUT IN A MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP IN OUR SON'S NAME but that we could choose another worthy cause. Given that our son's death resulted initially from an injury he sustained from playing football for the school and that before his death he was thought highly of, an honor's student, did a great deal of community service and won many scholarships despite his being absent most of his senior year due to his injury, not one single member of his football coaching staff or the athletics department has offered ANY words of condolence or attended either his visitation or funeral. Despite a student raising a petition signed by basically the entire student body to retire our son's number they refused even though we have a very small team so his number/jersey would not be missed. (we know of numbers that went unused while they used Andy's) In other words we haven't received any support or even compassion from most of the faculty of the school and definitely not the athletics dept. for which our son gave so much. It seems to us that they do not want the story of a promising young man dying from an injury on their watch...so much so that they won't even accept money to help further the education of future graduates if it's in his name. Needless to say this greatly upset us. We have chosen a good cause for the money to go to and it will be helping a much needed educational cause. I don't want to say more until it is given to the recipient as we want it to be a surprise but I will tell you once it is awarded.

This still leaves us with the question- What do we do in memory of Andy? Andy knew the importance of education, self discipline and physical fitness. These were all very important to him. WE have come to cherish our time riding rail trails and greenways. This has been a great help in our healing process. So we thought, what about trying to help extend the trails in Kokomo to follow the abandoned railroad that leads into Sharpsville? It has history as it was used for trade and at one time for trolleys for commuters to and from Sharpsville and Kokomo among other towns. There are so many good reasons for the counties to consider this which I won't list in this blog but will in future blogs. I will say though, that they have always served to greatly benefit communities who have added them.

How would this allow us to memorialize our son? We would like to not only help build the trail but we would like to open a trail head store in Sharpsville with bike rentals, restrooms, bike accessories, and snacks and cold drinks as well as pictures from the roots to present of Sharpsville history and we would place a memorial plaque in our son's name here.

It is my hope that there will be people reading this who would also like to see this trail be built and help in this endeavor. This would also open up the opportunity for others to donate memorial rest area's, trail heads, or advertise by making donations if you are a business.

If you support this cause please join my blog to show your support and share it with anyone you know who would also be interested. This will take a great group effort but it will also produce great rewards.

For more information on rail trails and greenways click on one of the following links-


