Saturday, June 8, 2013


Hello from Texas!  And so our journey begins and us right from the get go.  Getting to spend time with the kids and precious  Addie make all the obstacles much smaller though.  Honestly, the only real unexpected obstacle has been that what I was told I would have to work with financially this week was a pipedream and I get the challenge of starting off broke.  Thank G  Sod for family, compassionate people and free camping...we'll do fine. 

The people down here are so kind.  Funny, the north used to be known for their hospitality but there have been more people in our short time so far down here cheering us on and helping us out to make sure we reach our goal than we had back home.  Speaking of which, I wanted to thank Maggie in the Subway restaurant in Round Rock, Texas for buying us lunch yesterday.  That was so very kind of you and a great meal.  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!   I didn't get a last name...but Maggie from Round Rock Subway you're a lifesaver!

I'm learning...I need to keep a small notebook with me to write down names.  For instance we had a wonderful time chatting with a retired marine the night before who,  my new friend, if you read this, I hope you have got your bike by now and would love to hear how you are liking it!  I'm going to nickname you "Sir".  Sir will be getting his new recumbent from the VA any day now. I have to admit, after hearing about his I'm a tiny bit jealous! ;) And like me, Sir is planning on riding for the Wounded Warrior Project.  Now had I not been so tired and been thinking more at the time I would have asked...if you would be interested in forming a group to ride from Saint Augustine to San Diego next year with me for the Project?  Sir also passed along a lot of information concerning VA benefits .  (My Dad was a WWII  Decorated Army)  Sir claims to have had the honor or meeting a survivor of the Spanish / American War, not just a survivor but a medal of honor survivor! 

After talking with Sir for quite a while we did something both fascinating and creepy...We rode through thousands of bats!  If I'm back over that way tonight I'm going to TRY to have the nerve to stand among them long enough to video tape them for y'all.

Well, I'm being called for lunch....Far be it from me to pass up a good home cooked meal!  Until later.....Peace!

Oh...where are those challenge donations??????  Come on...they're for a very good cause and don't have to be huge although a $3000 challenge would be EXCELLENT!!!!

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