Sunday, October 13, 2013

Oct 13, 2013

Well, I *think* I have good news!  I'm not 100% positive but I think Shawn is back as my riding partner!  And I have promised not to act like a spoiled princess this time. (scouts honor!)  We've been talking some about leaving out after the first of the year to ride thru Florida and up along the panhandle ending at Shawn's mom's in Groves Texas.  Or vice versa, heading out from his mom's so he can spend the holidays with her and riding to Florida.
I wanted so bad to make the trip across the lower part of the US this winter from Saint Augustine, Florida to San Diego for the Wounded Warrior Project but with the move and the stress of sorting through Andy's things I've thrown myself into a flare with my illness and have had to slow down some so that long of ride just isn't wise for me at this time.  Maybe next winter...if I can get a lot more miles under my belt and build my strength back up.  We would definitely need a sponsor or funding of some sort to help us make that ride too so waiting gives us time to TRY to find someone willing to sponsor us.  It will take more planning and a support driver for the second stretch of the ride. (as in someone driving a camper for us to stay in and to carry gear and extra water etc.  Not to mention just in case of emergencies.  Ha, not that we would run into any of those huh???)
It is possible we could have a group of riders for that ride actually.  I've been talking to a few other bent riders in my area and so far they're showing interest in a local recumbent riders club.  I really think it would be a blast to travel across the country to raise money for such a wonderful cause with such a great group of people!    I suppose we would welcome any of you Bi-peddlers who might have the inkling to make the trek too.  After all it is for a really good cause! ;)  I'll fill you in on that more once I get moved and settled in and we have time to talk about our future riding plans, see how many we have here who truly are interested in a club etc.  If you are a bent rider in or near the Kokomo, In area who would be interested in joining a group please contact me.  It's still in the early stages but I'm thinking meeting at least once a month during the closed in (winter) season, maybe more often during riding season.  Exchange information on our experience with our bents, trails, etc and plan group rides both leisure and fundraiser/charity .  I think these bents need to be seen by more people!  They truly have been a Godsend to me health wise as well as being just plain and simple fun.  I'm sure there are others out there who thought their days of riding bikes and feeling the freedom of the open road, wind in their hair and sun on their skin were long gone.  But many can probably get it back with a bent. (Hey TerraTrike you really should hire me as a spokes person...I probably talk more about your bents than your showroom sales people! lol orrrrrrr....fix us up with a couple of Ramblers???  I hear those are even better for the kind of riding we do! I'm just saying...)
By the way, if you are interested in purchasing a bent yourself, I ride a TerraTrike Rover.  It's an extremely comfortable ride.  Not really made for the long distance rides I take but so far they've taken the punishment well.  You can check out all of TerraTrikes products at  Check them out!  Order a catalogue (they're free!) or find out where your local dealer is so you can go and take one for a spin yourself...I bet you get hooked!
Well...back to moving. 
Love and peace to all,
RecumbentBaby45/Mamabear45 (One and the same!)