Sunday, February 23, 2014


With less than a week til we head to Florida I'm still discovering little treasures of info on the net!  I'm always looking at our next ride and as those of you who follow know, we are working on a very big ride to raise money for The American Cancer Society and funds to help families who are hit financially by their child's battle with cancer.  Having lost our son it is our hope to help assure that other's will never have to live the nightmare of burying their child and in the battle with cancer this is so possible!  Along the way we also intend to visit children's cancer hospitals and being the silly characters we can be, bring a little bit of sunshine to the children who are robbed of a "normal" childhood.  Exactly how or to what extent we are still working on, as our main focus at the moment is The Wounded Warrior Project and accomplishing over 1000 miles after a long cold snowy winter up here in Indiana has kept us cooped up inside. 

Ha!  Hopefully I can hop right back on and ramble along with as much ease as I'm rambling here!  Anyway..while doing my research I stumbled on this little gem and wanted to pass it along.  We're hoping we can work this into our route.  It looks like so much fun!  THE MIDWEST RECUMBENT RALLY begins Aug 8 thru Aug 10.  As another side note, I know that there is another recumbent rally held in the beautiful Smokey Mnts.  I will have to look it up to provide the link for the exact details but it promises to be a wonderful time as well!  If anyone plans on going to these give me a shout out on here so we know to look for you!

Keep the wind at your back and keep on rollin'....

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


In doing my research while prepping for our upcoming rides I stumbled across a little bit of interesting info I wanted to pass along!  I live in Indiana and just found out that my home state is one of a handful that has chosen to participate in a "no-turn-away" policy for non-motorized campers who happen to stop at their state parks even if they are full.  This is way too cool and something that all states should do as far as I am concerned. I mean there is nothing worse than to be riding a long hard day, run into unexpected delays causing you to get to your destination later than expected only to find out they are full...the sun is sinking low and you have nowhere to go for the night.  It's not like you are in a warm comfy car that you can, if you have to, pull over in a parking lot for a few hours shut eye.  We have to keep on pedaling with sore muscles, in the dark (often more dangerous & difficult to read street signs etc) for who knows how far hoping for a place to eat & sleep before the dawn.

Way to go Indiana!!!! Can't wait to hit the road and explore my home state a bit more soon as this snow disappears!!!!!

Keep the wind at your back and keep rollin'...

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


OK....Well, as I said, any donations that come in on the blog during this ride is going to be banked to go towards funding the up coming ride which we are planning to be a long and most challenging ride yet!  We are going to attempt to ride both the Northern and Southern Tier of the entire USA, as well as the East and West Coast to gain donations for the American Cancer Society and to help families who have been hard hit financially due to their battle with cancer, starting first with those who have had to cease treatment due to lack of insurance and funds or better said -Due to urgency.

Why American Cancer Society?  I believe most of us have been touched by cancer in one way or another.  I personally lost my mother to her battle with Glioblastoma a very fast growing, terminal, and vicious primary cancer of the brain that is particularly difficult to beat because when it spreads it does so with such tiny spider like trails so small that they would simply be very lucky if they got it all during surgery.  My Brother was just diagnosed with Leukemia as was my daughters principal (also my friend from HS) following a ong boout with   A friend just lost her husband to brain cancer, my grandfather (mom's Dad) had multiple mylenoma.

Cancer touches so many lives and it effects the entire family.  With a lot of cancers we are so close to finding out the cause and cure.

Until then keep the wind at back and keep rollin'...

MamaBear/Aka RecumbentBaby45

Watch out Florida...We are on our Way!!!         

February 18, 2014

Wow!  It's finally just about here!   I have to say all this snow we have up here in Indiana right now will definitely help me when it comes to missing my family and friends on this trip.   Good Lord,  just when we think we have had out last bout of winter we get hit with more of that cold powdery white stuff.  I don't care if I ever see snow again!  I will be soooooo glad to move to snow, daily riding, and who knows maybe I can mold my family into long distance cyclers?????  I can dream huh?  ( Note:  For your own sanity never try to make a long distance cycler out of a non long distance cycler! lol  Finding a complimentary riding partner is very important or you will hate each other in a very short time of living on the road, cramped quarters, long days of exhausting riding, some days of little funds thus little food, days of bad weather riding, get the idea.  Some people prefer to ride in silence, others talk all the time-we tend to strike a happy balance without offense when one needs their space.  Another example is the stops.  I like to get my momentum going, needing to stop constantly bugs me to no end. You just need to find someone you can put up with day in and day out for a month or more, who you can communicate with without offending or being hurt by and that isn't always your significant other, it could potentially put an end to a relationship just like some couples can't work together some cannot ride together.)  Anyway, after this ride my riding partner has to go back to the racing circuit for a while so the family is going to pick up the slack...we'll see how they do! ;) 

I don't mean to discount The Wounded Warrior Project by talking about my next ride.  I personally choose the causes I ride for from the heart so they all are extra special to me.  My father we a decorated WWII Vet.  He always told us that he was "just a cook" in the Army.  We found out different when he passed away in 2002.  Turned out that he was a Squad leader (Is that the right term?)  He accomplished the most while losing the least men and while he never received a purple heart he fulfilled all of the requirements.  He was not drafted.  He chose to serve his country.  I also have uncles, friends , a nephew and some kids that graduated with my late son who are like my own who have or are serving.  This is my way to say Thank you to all who have served or are serving or will serve to protect our Freedom.  I wish I could do more.  I'm using a smart phone app that anyone who rides a bike, walks or runs can use.  For us on bikes they will donate $.10/mile that ea of us rides to The Wounded Warrior Project ( Walkers and runners get more)  If you have a smart phone you can do this too!  If you would like to donate because our ride has inspired you please go to  THE WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT  to learn more and to make a donation.  I would really appreciate it if you would put #RideAmerica  in the memo of checks written for donations so we can potentially track how much we bring in Thank you!  Donations that come in on my page right now will go towards helping us continue riding on our next tour which is going to be a big one!  I'll tell you about that in my next blog!

Keep the wind at your back and keep on rollin'.....
MamaBear/Aka RecumbentBaby45